October 22, 2024

The Surprising Origins of Rocket Technology

2 min read

Voyager 2 at Cape Kennedy in SAEF. 10/19/1977

Did you know that the development of rockets as we know them today can be traced back to a rather unexpected source? It all started when the German government, along with others, realized the potential of suborbital rockets as weapons to be used against their foreign adversaries. This realization marked the beginning of the V-2 rocket development in the 1930s, which eventually led to the bombing of Britain during World War II.

But the story doesn’t end there. The development of these rockets also paved the way for the creation of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and played a significant role in the space race of the 1960s, culminating in the historic launch of Sputnik.

It’s fascinating to think about how history might have unfolded if it weren’t for the wartime needs that fueled the private space mania almost a century ago. Would we have reached the moon and beyond without the influence of these early rocket developments?

In his book, “Before the Governments were Involved,” author Manber explores this intriguing chapter in the history of rocket technology. The book delves into the origins of rocketry and sheds light on the pivotal role played by governments in its development. Manber’s work offers a unique perspective on how the intersection of science, politics, and warfare shaped the course of human exploration beyond our planet.

Manber’s upcoming second book in the series promises to delve into the world of Russian rocket builders, providing further insights into the global race for space dominance. With his expertise and engaging writing style, readers can look forward to another captivating journey through the annals of rocket history.

So, next time you gaze up at the night sky and marvel at the wonders of space exploration, remember the surprising origins of rocket technology and the pivotal role it played in shaping our world.

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